Video Appearances

The University of Texas - College of Fine Arts “Goodbye Felipe” by Franco LaTona (2021)

TV Interview - Austin Channel 16 with Frederico 7 - Music & Interview with Amazing People (2021)

McDonalds Commercial and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - Rock Box - Cleveland, OH (2017)

Cap City Band - Video Promo - Austin, TX (2022)

Newspapers, Magazines, Social Media References

“Not only is Felipe an outstanding musician, but he was instrumental in elevating the school's social media presence, and has helped many students and faculty market their musical talents online.” - The University of Texas at Austin - Butler School of Music - Instagram Post (2021)

“Like many musicians, Felipe has more talents than he could fit into one job” - The University of Texas at Austin - Butler School of Music - Facebook Post (2022)

“… the Butler School’s very own Felipe Brito, a doctoral student, and talented trombonist.” - The University of Texas at Austin - Butler School of Music - Instagram Post (2021)

“Ituanian musician stands out in the United States” - Jornal de Itu (Brazil) (2022)

Website Press - Performances and Recordings

Austin Soundwaves - IDEA Montopolis Band Summer Camps

Reflective Rhythms

Music at Main: CIM Saturday Concert Series - CIM Brass Quintet

Discogs - The Liberation Music Collective – Siglio XXI | Ad Astrum Records

The University of Texas Trombone Choir

Perú by Day featuring Felipe Brito Brazilian Trio

Ieda Cruz - “Decote” (album recorded in 2011)