Paulo Costa Trio Entrevista - Silvia Bilacchi

Paulo Costa Trio Entrevista

Paulo Costa Trio presents a new series of interviews with Brazilians, Latinos, and people connected with the Brazilian culture who live in Cleveland, Ohio. Our mission is to build a stronger community among Brazilians living in the city, telling their histories, promoting their work, and helping new members to feel welcome in Cleveland. We will post one new interview every week! Every guest will have an opportunity to sing a song with us. We hope you all enjoy it. - Paulo Costa, Felipe Brito, Davi Lira

Interview with Silvia Bilacchi

Junho 20, 2017 | Cleveland, Ohio

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Silvia Bilacchi lived in Brazil and Italy and now lives in the United States for many years. She speaks four languages, loves opera, yoga and is a super mom. 

Tell us a little bit of your story.

I’m from São José do Rio Preto, in the countryside of São Paulo. But I always wanted to leave the country. 


Coming to the United States

I first came to the United States to live and study for one year in Philadelphia. I studied in an all-girls Catholic school where I decided to take a singing class and fell in love with opera. I liked it so much that I began to travel back and forth to Italy to study singing. After I decided to move back to Brazil to study Art, I kept studying Opera. During my last semester in school, I met my husband, Rick. 


He was offered a work position and we moved to the US in 2009. After a while, we just kinda stayed in the country. However, both of my kids, Maya who’s 13, and Maik who’s 11 were born in Brazil. I always made sure that at home we all spoke Portuguese so my kids would learn the language even if living far from Brazil. I always told them stories from my childhood so they could learn about our culture. 

Paulo Costa Trio
Facebook and Instagram: @PauloCostaTrio


Paulo Costa Trio Entrevista - Davi Martinelli de Lira


Paulo Costa Trio Entrevista - Suzana Figueira